Images from around the UCC

This page is devoted to images of vigils, prayer services and public rainbow displays in response to the Orlando Massacre. From California to Maine, Minnesota to Florida, ONA congregations responded with grief, prayer, and re-commitment to the values of inclusion, justice and reconciliation that are at the heart of the Open and Affirming movement in the United Church of Christ. By displaying rainbow flags and images in public view, by organizing public services of remembrance and protest, UCC congregations have proved to their LGBTQ neighbors that we stand with them. This is why we are ONA!

If you would like photos from your church posted here, please send them (identifying the church’s name and location) to Andy Lang at

From Rincon UCC and Rev. Delle McCormick

Dear Friends,

This past Sunday evening I was invited to attend and speak at a vigil in solidarity with the victims of the massacre in Orlando at the Pulse Nightclub in which forty-nine people were shot and killed, and fifty-three were wounded and taken to hospitals.

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From PFLAG Sedona and Church of the Red Rocks

PFLAG, Sedona-Verde Valley is hosting an event this evening at The Church of the Red Rocks in Painted Cliffs Hall at 7 p.m.   
It will be an open discussion about the horrible massacre in Orlando with a closing litany, candles, and prayer.
You are welcome to attend.
Larry Corbett
Interim Minister

Southwest Conference News

Bonnie McNair
On Friday June 17th, 2016 at 4:30 the Yuma Regional Medical Center will be hosting the Service of Ordination for Chaplain Bonnie McNair. The reception to follow will be held at Yuma UCC in Yuma, Arizona. You are cordially invited to attend, information can be found here!

Derrick Elliot

Lend your congratulations to The Rev. Derrick Elliot. On May 1st, 2016 Derrick was ordained at Casas Adobes United Church of Christ. He currently serves as a prison chaplain.

Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Don Longbottom,
Designated Senior Minister at Church of the Beatitudes, who was called as the Designated Conference Minister of the South Central Conference of the United Church of Christ. As the Designated Conference Minister, Dr. Don will be responsible for the five Associations (nearly 80 congregations) in Texas, Mississippi and Louisiana. Dr. Don's last Sunday at Church of the Beatitudes will be June 12.

Rev. Andria Davis, Associate Minister at Church of the Beatitudes, has been called to serve as Acting Senior Minister at Church of the Beatitudes until such time that a settled Senior minister is called. The COB staff is joined by Josh Reynolds, who will serve as Youth Director and Pastoral Assistant. Welcome Josh!

Pacific Northwest UCC Internship

A social justice ministry of the UCC Pacific Northwest Conference has openings for
YOUNG ADULTS in an eleven-month INTERNSHIP in Seattle.

The Justice Leadership Program invites young adults (ages 21-35) to make social change by working at the intersection of social justice and spirituality. This full-time internship features political advocacy and community organizing, faith-based service, and leadership development. It is affiliated with the United Church of Christ Young Adult Service Communities Network.

For more information visit the justice leadership program website at

Rincon Congregational UCC • Tucson AZ

In light of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Rincon hosted a service for Healing From Sexual Assault on May 4th. "In prayer, song and silence, we will gather as survivors of abuse, sexual violence and rape; spouses, family members, friends and allies. We are all people both in need of wholeness and with healing to offer one another. All are welcome." The aim was to "Break the Silence" surrounding not only victims but the topic of sexual assault in hopes of bringing us one step further along the road of healing.

KTIZO, Phoenix AZ

It's here! Our first book of the bible illustrated by the Ktizo kids. The story of Samuel and his calling is the first of many that we will illustrate and publish. The kids really engaged with the story and know it through and through now that they have illustrated each page. We are now going on to the calling of Saul to be King.

United Church of Sun City • Sun City, AZ

In celebration of Mother's Day United Church of Sun City took a moment to collect a few statements written by children about the Bible without correction or retouching. Here are a few..."The greatest miracle in the bible is when Joshua told his son to stand still and he obeyed him.", "Jesus was born because Mary had an immaculate contraption", "Moses died before he ever reached Texas"... and many more. Happy Mother's Day to all who's lives are filled with little bundles of creativity and joy.

UCC releases faith-based tools aimed at ending gun violence

The United Church of Christ is urging churches around the country to get involved in gun violence prevention, releasing a very personal video message from a local congregation that lived through a horrific mass shooting in their small community. “A Gun Changed My Beautiful Town," from the people of Newtown Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, is a series of heartfelt reflections, based on their experience when a troubled young man took the lives of 20 children and six of their teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December of 2012, and how that changed their lives, and their viewpoint on guns in America forever.

Read Full Story at



Dear Friends,

Please read and kindly respond to this call to action.  We have received word that the Governor is considering signing a very strong Anti-Immigrant Bill, SB 1377. There is an action being planned tomorrow (Tuesday) at the capitol building and also it is important to call the Governor TODAY and let him know you urge him to VETO this bill.  

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Dorhauer inspired, charged by three-congregation installation service.

Dorhauer inspired, charged by three-congregation installation service.

As the religious landscape in the United States continues to shift, the United Church of Christ must lead from the front. That sentiment, shared and repeated during the weekend installation of the Rev. John C. Dorhauer, was underscored by the three-city progressive worship service for the ninth general minister and president, taking him coast-to-coast in a unique and unifying moment for the wider church.

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April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. While talking about sex in church or in a non-church ministry setting can feel difficult, talking about sexual assault can feel even more difficult. If we let 'difficult' or 'more difficult' keep us silent, however, we become complicit in nourishing a culture wherein abuse, exploitation, and wounding can continue. I invite you to break the silence, and to do what feels 'difficult' and 'even more difficult' in the name of compassion and justice, by speaking out in your ministry setting during Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

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Ugandan Kids Choir at Shepherd of the Hills UCC Church

Come join us for an inspiring, uplifting performance by the Ugandan Kids Choir at Shepherd of the Hills UCC Church, 5524 E. Lafayette Blvd, Phoenix, AZ on Sunday afternoon, April 10 at 4 pm.  This group of children ages 8 to 12 will delight us with singing traditional African songs, playing traditional instruments, and dancing in traditional African attire. The choir is a project of Childcare Worldwide, which has empowered children in developing countries since 1981. Invite friends and family, too.

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