An Intergenerational Conversation and Ideas to Decolonize Thanksgiving

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What does it mean to “DECOLONIZE THANKSGIVING,” and WHY would we want to do it??

UPDATE: Watch the recording here.

A Southwest Conference Faith Formation leaders will sponsor and facilitate intergenerational conversation and idea-sharing Zoom gathering for the whys and ways we might begin as families and church cultures to DECOLONIZE THANKSGIVING on Sunday, November 22 at 3 pm. The Zoom link will be available in our weekly newsletter The Loop.

During this gathering we will introduce the concept of "decolonizing" - what is it and why it is important to reframe certain traditional understandings. We will hear about Thanksgiving from a Native perspective. We will also hear some examples of ways our historic understanding has evolved and changed over time, and underlying reasons. And, we'll offer some alternative ideas for thinking about our feasting and observances of the holiday, along with opportunities to share thoughts, ideas, and ponder together as we prepare to enter this season of Thankfulness and heritage.

This is the 400th Anniversary of the Pilgrims arriving at Plymouth in 1620. As a UCC Conference, we recently approved a new resolution at October’s SWC Annual Meeting, to begin “decentralizing Whiteness” in our faith, our practice and our wider culture. Seizing this opportunity, some of our Conference’s faith formation leaders are inviting an intergenerational mix of youth, adults, and families to simply gather in a brief virtual space to learn, discuss, and share thoughts and ideas on why we want to begin thinking differently about this core beloved holiday, and a few ideas of how to recognize and honor a more accurate view of history – without diminishing the important meaning of gratitude and blessing.

We may have varying levels of awareness of how much our traditional Thanksgiving celebration is based in the mythic perspectives of European Colonialism such as “discovering America,” and the friendly feast of goodwill between the Pilgrims and the Indigenous people who lived in the region for the mutual benefit of them all. We subsequently celebrate harvest and gratitude for all God’s gifts of family and friends and blessings. We (those of us of European descent, and our own UCC denomination directly connected to those “Pilgrim” separatists) have easily accepted the mythology of Thanksgiving largely without question for 400 years…until more recently and especially now with our renewed commitment to awakening from our insensitivity and blindness to racial inequities, injustice, and false narratives of history. There are important stories and perspectives that have been hidden and need to be learned.

Faith Formation leaders and clergy from our Southwest Conference churches have been meeting regularly via Zoom and having conversations about new topics and paradigms of faith formation needed to grow and form faith in our new era of pandemic, polarized beliefs, and changing forms of spiritual community.

Here are some resources to explore:

Everything You Learned About Thanksgiving Is Wrong:

The First Thanksgiving: What Really Happened:

Thanksgiving | Native Americans | One Word | Cut:

Use for Youth

The Real Story of Thanksgiving:

Why These Native Americans Observe A National Day Of Mourning Each Thanksgiving:

Native American women tell the real history of thanksgiving.


Time To Correct The History Books: Elder Russell Means "Columbus Must Die" Speech:

Parts can be used for youth especially the end.

Jaguar Bird YouTube station has real and good Native American material.

Native Spiritual Perspective

A Message From Russell Means: