Camp Alternative Update: DUCC @ Home

From Rev. Jay Deskins, SWC Camp Coordinator and AZ DOC Youth & Children’s Minister:

If you are like me, you are sick to your stomach that camp isn't happening this year. But, that doesn't mean our children and youth won't be able to connect with each other! If you would like to get signed up for our Camp Alternative, DUCC @ HOME, please click the link below! DUCC @ HOME is free for all participants. 

Each participant will have different opportunities for connection, depending on their ages.

We know this is NOT camp, but we hope that connecting youth with each other, trusted adults, and God will result in a positive experience for all during this pandemic.

You may be asking yourself how is this going to work? (Well, that is a great question!)
Over the course of 4 weeks, every youth participant will have different opportunities for connection each week depending on the participant's age (family group time, interest activities, and a large group activity). The interest groups will be announced closer to the start of our journey together. Each youth will be placed in a small group based on age, just like at camp, and throughout the week will have an opportunity for checking-in, talking about that week's theme, and creating a small community. The large group activities will range from games to talent shows (YES! We are having a talent show!).

When will this start? (Another great question!)
We are starting on Monday, June 15th, just like camp was scheduled. And we will wrap up on Friday, July 10.

What would the weekly schedule look like? (Seriously, you ask the best questions.)

  • Monday is the day that the week's worship service and keynote will take place. At any time on Monday, youth may watch and participate.

  • Each small group leader will be setting up their small group schedule for meetings. Middle and High School participants will have two 1-hour meetings a week, while Elementary age participants will have one 1-hour meeting a week.

  • Wednesday is our day for interest activities. Whether that is making a craft online together, making music, or just having an open discussion, each youth will have the opportunity to sign up for an interest activity each week.

  • Thursday will be a total group activity, anything from campfire to the talent show.

    Sunday, you are encouraged to worship with your home church community, and if possible talk about what is happening at DUCC @ Home!

How much does this cost? (Jeez, you need to be paid as a question master!)
Nothing. This is free for participants. However, it does cost the region and conference money to put this on, so if your family is able to donate to help cover the costs of DUCC @ Home, that would be fantastic! Those donations will also make 2021 DUCC (@ CAMP!) much easier!

If you have any more excellent questions, please reach out to Please know that plans right now are not set in stone, and plans may change depending on safety restrictions, or if we find out that this plan doesn't work. These are very uncertain times, and we are all trying our best to keep things going, and having a camp alternative is not an easy task. Please keep in prayer all of our campers, our volunteers, and Emmanuel Pines Camp (our annual host), as we move through this together!