October 31–November 2
Active and retired clergy, specialized ministers, parish ministers, and members in discernment are invited to attend the SWC Annual Clergy Retreat held at the beautiful Redemptorist Renewal Center in Tucson, Arizona. We'll begin with lunch at noon on Monday, October 31 and conclude at 3 pm on Wednesday, November 2.
We're excited about having Sr. Lika Mejfa as our guest on Monday, and taking a field trip with her on Tuesday down to Casa De La Misericordia in Nogales, Mexico! Rev. Randy Mayer of the Good Shepherd UCC in Sahuarita will be our well-seasoned guide over the border, and assures us that a driver’s license is sufficient to re-enter the U.S. Here’s some official info:
The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative requires all persons, including US citizens, who are traveling to and from the Americas, the Caribbean, and Bermuda to have a passport or other WHTI compliant document, such as a Passport Card (PASS Card), that establishes identity and citizenship to enter or re-enter the United States.
The approved documents include a passport, a passport card, a NEXUS, SENTRI or FAST trusted traveler program card, or a state- or province-issued enhanced driver’s license. Travelers under age 16 need to present only a birth certificate or alternative proof of citizenship.
You may register for a room (single or double occupancy, includes meals) or as a commuter (meals only).
The price is general admission of $50.00 plus your choice of rooms and nights, or commuting days:
Monday night; single occupancy - $135.00
Tuesday night; single occupancy - $135.00
Monday night; double occupancy. - $117.50
Tuesday night; double occupancy - $117.50
Monday commuter (lunch and dinner) - $53.00
Tuesday commuter (breakfast and dinner) - $53.00
Wednesday commuter (breakfast and lunch) - $43.00
Example: A registration for Monday and Tuesday nights, single occupancy, would be $50 + $135 + $135 = $320.
Travel pool funds are also available to clergy who attend this event within the parameters of the travel pool policy. Financial assistance beyond this will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Conference Minister Rev. Bill Lyons for more information about an additional scholarship.
Here's that registration link again. More information about the retreat and the field trip to Mexico will be available in September.
Hope to see you there.