It is with sadness we need to announce that due to the uncertainties of COVID and the extended challenges of knowing when everyone will be able to get vaccinated, we will not be holding our Disciples-UCC Church Camp (DUCC) again this summer.
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There is an upcoming national virtual gathering for everyone serving in youth ministry on November 12-14, 2020. Participants will be able to select workshops and small groups, as well as other items that speak to their individual needs. Registration is now open and will close November 10th.
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Registration is open for the UCC & DOC children's winter event!
Register now:
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We want to send a delegation of interested Senior High (completed 6th grade through graduated seniors) to the UCC National Youth Event at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, next July 22-25. We will also need interested adults to also take part as chaperones.
Registration will open in February. The Southwest Conference can offer to scholarship travel costs (we will plan our travel together as a group), leaving the registration fee (early bird) of $375 up to churches and participating families. The registration fee covers the cost of program, room and on-campus meals for the days of the event. There may be an additional cost for another night to accommodate the travel and incidental meals that participants will be responsible for. We will get a more complete picture of that and let you know.
In the meantime, we will plan to register everyone together through the Conference Office.
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Registration is open! The cost is $50 which covers meals and supplies for this one-night UCC and DOC overnight event. Youth will sleep in rooms at Foothills Christian Church.
Register now:
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