The United Church of Christ is one of the over 40 sponsors of the annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days for Global Peace with Justice. This year, Ecumenical Advocacy Days will be held virtually April 25-27! The conference theme “Fierce Urgency: Advancing Civil and Human Rights” will inspire us to work to protect and expand voting rights in the U.S. and human rights around the world. The program will include a UCC/DOC denominational time, worship led by Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, powerful presentations by Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner, Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, and others. 35+ workshops (several featuring UCC and Global Ministries staff and global partners) will be held leading up to a virtual lobby day on voting and human rights.
The pre-recorded EAD opening worship service will be available for use by local congregations on Sunday April 24th or any future Sunday. The videos and bulletin, including sermon by Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III and music by Trinity UCC, will be available for download on the EAD website by April 18, 2022.
Our office in Washington, D.C. is offering FULL SCHOLARSHIPS to attend EAD to the first 50 people who “follow” one of our social media accounts, or join the JPANET (if not already a member.) To receive the code for a free registration, follow the instructions on this page or email for details! Join us!