Common Ground on the Border / Border Issues Fair update

From The Good Shepherd UCC:

We are delighted to have an unprecedented response to our Common Ground on the Border / Border Issues Fair event. January 16-18, 2020. We have individuals and groups coming from across the country to learn more about what is happening in our borderlands.

Due to limitations of space, we found it necessary to close registration to those wanting to attend the entire conference. However, for those who are still interested in attending part of the event, there are still some opportunities available.

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Do Not Lose Heart

Do Not Lose Heart

For faith advocates working for justice, trying to bring the voices and concerns of the most vulnerable to the center of public policy decision-making, this last year has felt like an advocacy marathon. And what a marathon you have been running in 2019! During the past year, you helped to send 60,000 email messages to legislators and over 2,300 Tweets. You have prayed, marched, witnessed, and acted for justice in countless ways. In 2019, members of the UCC Justice and Peace Action Network have countered the narrative of fear, exclusion, and scarcity on issues ranging from refugee admissions, gun violence prevention, climate justice, voting rights, nutrition assistance, reproductive health care, gender-based violence, trade agreements, increased militarization, and violence and armed conflict in regions around the world. You have made a difference, made your voices heard, and we give thanks for your partnership!

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Cruel separation of children from their families continues in Arizona

[A press conference will be held at noon on Thursday, December 19 in the Rose Garden at the Arizona State Capitol .]

Phoenix – On Nov. 21, 2019, 23 state representatives signed a letter to ICE officers in support of a request for parole for a young woman from Guatemala named Maria so she could be reunited with her 6-year-old niece, “Flor.” Maria and Flor were separated when they presented themselves at the Arizona border to request asylum at Lukeville in March of 2019.

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Exciting News from Hope House of Sedona

House of Sedona has found property! As of this week, we have secured property for our project to provide temporary transitional housing for homeless families with children, and elderly women. It is located in west Sedona near Basha's, a great location close to food, businesses and bus access.

It has been a long journey to reach this exciting point and we continue to be grateful for you, our supporters. Now that we have property, we can move to our next steps.

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ICE office visit

Tuesday, December 17th, 11 a.m., ICE Field Office, 2035 N Central Avenue, Phoenix

We join with Shadow Rock UCC and visit the ICE Field Office at 11:00 a.m. on the 17th of every month. We use this time to stand with our immigrant neighbors and their families, make a prayer or statement, and pass out water and snacks for those waiting in line for appointments. Please join us and take part.

This is a peaceful action, statement, and prayer.

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Protect Human Rights in the Philippines

Protect Human Rights in the Philippines

On November 5, the National Council of Churches in the Philippines (NCCP) was included on the list of “front organizations of local communist terrorist groups” presented to the Philippines House Intelligence Committee by the Department of National Defense (DND). The NCCP was one among several humanitarian and service-oriented organizations on the list that the government is “red-tagging” by alleging they provide funds to the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) through “International Solidarity Work.”

The NCCP is a fellowship of churches dedicated to seeking Christian unity and engaging in common ministry to serve the people of the Philippines, especially the poor and those vulnerable to violence, marginalization, and natural disasters. The United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP), the UCC’s partner church in the country, has been a member of the NCCP since its founding in 1963. The NCCP has been involved for decades in trailblazing work on human rights, migration, women's empowerment, HIV and AIDS awareness and prevention, and children’s ministry including the protection of children against online sexual exploitation and trafficking.

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Save the Date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days – April 24-27, 2020

Save the Date for Ecumenical Advocacy Days – April 24-27, 2020

Around the world, the marginalized communities are experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis most profoundly. Women and children in these communities suffer the most along with all those who are disproportionately affected by hunger, poverty, and the structural history of colonialism and racism. EAD 2020 will focus on this intersection between climate change and economic injustice as together we gather to “Imagine, God’s Earth and People Restored!”

Visit EAD 2020 and plan to join a UCC pre-event on Friday April 24th.

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