A Day of Prophetic Mourning & Action

A Day of Prophetic Mourning & Action

Today, the structure of American life is indeed changing as we respond to the double pandemic of poverty and COVID-19. There are record numbers joining the ranks of the unemployed; hospitals and morgues are overflowing while the streets are empty; and many of the workers who have been deemed essential and mandated to work are those being paid the lowest wages, with the least worker protections.

We see a health care system on the brink after decades of budget cuts, privatization, and a focus on profits over patients and public health. We see, in stark reality, the truth that 140 million people in America are either already poor or one health care crisis or missed paycheck away from poverty, nearly half of the U.S. population.

In times such as these, we cannot be silent anymore! We must take action together and become a “new and unsettling force in our complacent national life.”

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JPANet: Help stop the spread of hate

JPANet: Help stop the spread of hate

The deliberate actions of elected officials and some in the news-media to scapegoat, blame, demean and deride them as harbingers of the virus are entirely without merit, immoral and dangerous.

Our actions now, in this crisis, show us who we really are. Just as you are doing your part to flatten the curve, practice safe hygiene, and protect those who are vulnerable among us, you can also make sure that our friends and neighbors are protected from harassing and violent language, physical attacks, and loss of business.

Take Action

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Tucson Interfaith HIV/ AIDS Network (TIHAN) supplies needed

Tucson Interfaith HIV/ AIDS Network (TIHAN) supplies needed

Even though we are staying home and keeping our distance, many of our CarePartners living with HIV still have basic needs and are requesting support. We’re providing emotional support and connecting people with referrals by phone. For people with HIV who are requesting CarePackages and food, we are using stringent precautions to still provide those items that we have as we work to keep our CarePartners, volunteers, and community safe. Can you donate any of the following requested items?

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New Mexico Conference of Churches: Reflect and Pray with Us 

New Mexico Conference of Churches: Reflect and Pray with Us 

We have been asked to engage in social distancing during the current outbreak of COVID-19. This has forced us to abandon our traditional ways of practicing community. We have walked together, we have held hands during prayers, we have hugged and kissed each other on the cheek. Social distancing precludes all these practices.

So, we offer a different Urban Way of the Cross for the faithful in Albuquerque and elsewhere.

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April JPANet Newsletter: Unprecedented Times

April JPANet Newsletter: Unprecedented Times

Getting to the Root of It

The UCC Justice and Peace Action Network newsletter.

“Each month, the Justice and Peace Action Network meets to discuss possible topics for the next Getting to the Root. This month, there was one topic none of us could shake from our minds. We decided to each contribute a short piece related to this global pandemic; things we are thinking about, resources that have helped us, and our hopes for the future.”

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COVID-19 Faith Communities Sign On Letter to Protect Rural Communities

As the COVID-19 crisis spreads rapidly throughout the country, rural communities are some of the most at risk populations with fewer hospitals, health care workers and resources for testing and treatment. We’re called to love our neighbors and we need our political leaders to take action to deliver policies that will help small town America, so we’re asking faith communities to sign onto this letter now.

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Bulk food purchase partners

Church of the Palms and Shadow Rock are partnering to assist an immigrant congregation with bulk food because people using SNAP don’t have products available that qualify for the program. Each church is pledging $1500 to buy bulk beans and rice and will deliver to the immigrant church for distribution among their members. $3k will help that community through the crisis.

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JPANet: Call on President to Lift Sanctions, Ease Global COVID-19 Suffering

JPANet: Call on President to Lift Sanctions, Ease Global COVID-19 Suffering

Broad economic sanctions have been shown over the years to mostly affect the wider population in a country, not the leadership or well-off. Especially in a global pandemic, sanctions should be lifted rather than increased. The Trump Administration has made no effort to lift or pause sanctions that are currently in place. The World Health Organization has committed to help all three countries through the pandemic, but we have a responsibility to help as well.

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TUESDAY 3/24 is Desert Palm’s Drive Thru Donation Drop-Off Day

The East Valley Church Network (which sponsored the recent event at Desert Palm) is in special need of bath towels, in case immigrant families, who are scheduled to be given amnesty in the next few weeks, are released by ICE.

To collect towels and/or food donations, our Justice and Witness Team is hosting a Drive-Thru Donation Drop-off Day, (Tuesday, March 24th) in the church parking lot. Donations will be collected between the hours of (10AM-6PM).

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A Letter from Judicatory Heads in New Mexico

Our Judicatory Heads agreed on a common letter...which unfortunately was adjusted several times to meet various newspapers guidelines! But the content (as published in the Albuquerque Journal on Sunday, March 22) is printed below. Please let us know if you saw something similar in your local newspaper; we submitted to 30 news outlets across the state.

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Needed: people who sew

“As a backup that I truly hope we won't need, I'm pulling together names of volunteers on both coasts who might be able to help sew gowns for medical staff. We're still working out the logistics and are setting up partnerships to do this in a way that keeps everyone safe: volunteers, doctors, patients, hospital staff, drivers, etc.”

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