Faith In Action

Labor Sunday

Labor Sunday

The Sunday of Labor Day weekend is Labor Sunday, a day to lift up workers and celebrate their contributions. It is also a day to commit ourselves to improving jobs and our economy so that all workers have wages, benefits, and work hours that allow them to live in the fullness of life – which is God’s intention for each of us.

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Just Peace Sunday – September 16

Just Peace Sunday – September 16

This year, Just Peace Sunday will focus on the theme “Wisdom Cries Out!” based on the lectionary passage, Proverbs 1:20-33. Worship, learning, and craft materials will be available online making connections between our witness as a Just Peace Church and our particular concern at this time for those migrants fleeing violence at our border. 

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Church of the Red Rocks: Building Better Lives in Guatemala

Church of the Red Rocks: Building Better Lives in Guatemala

The dates are set for CRR's next service trip to Guatemala to help build homes for people who are living in extreme poverty. They will be there the week of February 11-15, 2019; travel dates are still to be determined.

The trip will be organized in conjunction with Constru Casa (“Construct a House”) which is a non-profit organization very similar to Habitat for Humanity except that they address the needs of people who are very poor.

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Hope Station Nogales to provide reverse sanctuary to deportees in Mexico

Hope Station Nogales to provide reverse sanctuary to deportees in Mexico

A United Church of Christ sanctuary church offering immigrants refuge in the Arizona borderlands will soon be offering a place of hospitality, support and hope on the Mexican side of the border for people who find themselves deported from the United States.

The Shadow Rock UCC Sanctuary Action Team and the Rev. Ken Heintzelman, in an extension of the spirit and intent of their ministry of sanctuary in Phoenix, are in the process of establishing Hope Station Nogales, in Sonora, Mexico.

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Thank You from Jose Gonzalez

Thank You from Jose Gonzalez

Jose Gonzales sent this thank you to everyone who donated to the trip he led to support children and families at the border. Taos UCC collected and donated $750.

Taos Immigration Allies are collecting donations again for another trip to the border to support refugee children and families. If you would like to donate for this next trip you can reach Jose at 575-779-6765 or   

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Town Hall Toolkit

Town Hall Toolkit

This summer, town hall meetings with your Congressional representative and U.S. Senator are another great opportunity to make your voice heard. They “take the temperature” of their constituents at these events, and it’s our chance to turn up the heat for them on global warming. 

The Town Hall Project has created a comprehensive and easy-to-use guide to town hall meetings happening around the country. To find a schedule of the ones nearest you, simply enter your zip code. You can also go to your Member’s website, join their email list, or call their office for event updates.

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Max in Indonesia

Max in Indonesia

My husband, Max Surjadinata, is in the middle of a six-month term as a Global Ministries Volunteer, serving on behalf of our United Church of Christ in Indonesia (the country of his birth).  He is teaching for a semester in a remote rural seminary in the small town of Lewa on the island of Sumba, where our mission partner is the Gereja Kristin Sumba (GKS) or Christian Church of Sumba.  Max teaches a course in liturgy and church music, as well as conversational English, and consults with students – he’s presently up to his ears, he says, in reading the final theses of students about to graduate, as well as reading and grading the papers of the students in his own course. 

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Sacred Conversations to End Racism - new 2018 curriculum

Sacred Conversations to End Racism - new 2018 curriculum

​​​​​​​Sacred Conversations to End Racism (SC2ER) is a restorative justice journey created to move people beyond anti-racism conversations to active engagement intended to challenge people's thinking and behavior based on assumptions of privilege and superiority over non-European people. SC2ER provides new language, strategies, and realities that engage all the intersections of our lives to unmask, dismantle, and eradicate racism in America, including the Christian Church. SC2ER seeks to restore humanity, eliminate myths and stereotypes and engage in deep truth telling about the construction of whiteness and white skin superiority.

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