From Rev. Bethany Meier, pastor at First Christian Church Las Cruces:
“After a 3-year engagement and courthouse elopement, Kelsee and I are finally having our wedding ceremony! We will be getting married at a small, outdoor wedding venue in Kansas with our families and closest friends in attendance. Due to COVID, we have made the decision to Zoom the service, which means that all of you are invited to join us virtually!
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Desert Garden United Church of Christ welcomes the Rev. William (Bill) Utke as its new pastor. Selected after an 18-month search, the Rev. Utke will assume his position on September 1 and give his inaugural sermon on September 5.
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Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)
If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
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written by Eric Holmes, member of Church of the Palms UCC; please pass this information along if it is helpful
The Phoenix Indian Medical Center (PIMC) is located at 16th Street and Indian School Road in Phoenix. PIMC provides healthcare services to nearly 160,000 patients, all tribal members from the Phoenix area and from Tribes throughout the U.S. who together represent nearly 70% of the 574 federally recognized Tribes.
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Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and other materials and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches and beyond. (Thanks, Holly!)
If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
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Open to members of the Southwest Conference UCC:
The 17th Annual Church of the Palms Marshall Esty Ecumenical/Interreligious Retreat
September 7 – 10, 2021 at Chapel Rock Conference Center, Prescott, Arizona
Solidarity — Antiracism Training with Rev. Joan Crawford
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Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles these highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
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“With the generous help of donors, volunteers, and government entities, along with the dedication of our contractor, the new building and CRC programs keep moving forward.
In the face of blistering early summer heat—on one occasion the temperature on the roof was recorded at 128 degrees—MW Morrisey and their sub-contractors continue to astound us. They have persevered for five months now through delays, storms, and material challenges so that the plan to open in early February can remain in place.”
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Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
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“We wish that you could be here to see the progress on the new SFB-CRC building. It promises that we are closer than ever in being able to serve more hungry neighbors with food, and assist them in achieving greater well-being and economic security through the resource center.”
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Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
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Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
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Attention churches: If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
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Attention churches: If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
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Attention churches: If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
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The Sun Lakes United Church of Christ is looking for a Music Director for 2021-2022 (September thru August). We need someone who is familiar with both traditional and contemporary church music and the liturgical seasons. The director will be responsible for all the music at the Worship Service.
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Members of the Church of the Palms have expressed their love of Creation through their generous support for the plans to reduce our carbon footprint by adding solar panels to their facility. After receiving an anonymous matching grant, members of The Palms church family have matched and surpassed the required matching amount that will enable them to go even further to improve energy efficiency and go green. What a wonder that the church can continue with its eco-friendly pursuit!
In preparation for the solar panels installation, a new roof was installed last week.
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Attention churches: If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
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Summer Intern Needed: We are excited to provide an opportunity to a First Church connected college student or above who is looking for a 2 month opportunity to serve the church. This paid opportunity will provide a bridge of coverage until the new admin assistant arrives. Ideally, we'd like our Intern to start as soon as possible and work through the end of July or beginning of August.
If someone in your family or network is interested in this critical role supporting our amazing Pastor Susan, please contact Mike Kelly, Personnel Chairperson at or 602-930-5592. We'd like to move quickly to fill this role, so please have interested candidates contact us now for immediate consideration!
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Attention churches: If you’d like a separate article about your news to appear on the website and The Loop, please submit it to Wende by Thursday at noon to have it included in the following Monday’s Loop.
Holly Herman reads your church newsletters and compiles the highlights to keep us up-to-date on the amazing work happening at the Southwest Conference churches. (Thanks, Holly!)
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